‘Wein am Stein’ wine hikes in Würzburg

‘Wein am Stein’ wine hikes in Würzburg

The 'Weingut am Stein' is a great starting point for a hike through the Würzburg vineyards.

The wines from the ‘Würzburger Stein’ vineyard are delicious. Enjoy the wonderful view over Würzburg while hiking high up in the Würzburg vineyards.

Starting point - Mittlerer Steinbergweg at the 'Weingut am Stein'

The ‘Wein am Stein’ winery is an ideal starting point for the WeinWander-Rundweg. There are also some free parking spaces here.

Several parallel hiking trails start here. If you want to take it easy, just go straight ahead on the ‘Mittlerer Steinbergweg’. Your destination is the ‘Steinburg Castle’, where you can stop off at the restaurant. On the summer terrace you can enjoy a glass of wine and the wonderful view over Würzburg and the Main.

If you want to take a sporty approach, then take the direct ascent via the ‘Rotkreuzstiege’ – always steeply uphill to the topmost point. At the very top is the ‘terroir f Würzburg – literature and wine’ vantage point. After you have taken a break here, you continue comfortably to the ‘Steinburg Castle’.

Hiking tip

You can also start the wine hike at ‘Schloss Steinburg’ and hike on one of the paths to the ‘Wein am Stein’ winery. The disadvantage is that there are only parking spaces for restaurant visitors right next to the ‘Steinburg Castle’.

How do I get back?

Very simple – there are several parallel paths through the vineyards. If you have hiked on the ‘Mittlerer Schalksbergweg’ at the top – then maybe you take the ‘Mittlerer Steinbergweg’ back – or vice versa.





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