‘Kaisersteig’ in Perchtoldsdorf near Vienna

‘Kaisersteig’ in Perchtoldsdorf near Vienna

Romantic wine hike over the Kaisersteig to the Heurigen in Perchtoldsdorf

A very nice short but romantic hike through the vineyards in the south of Vienna to the Heurigenort Perchtoldsdorf. The best way to get there is by tram 60 from Westbahnhof – via U4 station Hietzing – to the terminus ‘Rodaun’ of the 60s ‘Bim’ (this is what the Viennese lovingly call their tram because it does ‘BimBim’).

Starting point - end station of the 60s tram in 'Rodaun'

Walk up Kindermanngasse – a short, steep stretch of path – and when you reach the top you will already see the romantic vineyards – turn left for a short while – and watch out – a few meters further on there is a rather inconspicuous narrow path on the right in the middle of the vineyards – the ‘Kaisersteig’. (Attention – the narrow climb is easy to miss!) Now the fun begins – when the weather is nice, the ‘Mohrenberger Alm’, located in the middle of the vineyards, is open in the afternoon and evening – here you can take your first break, enjoy the beautiful view and the anticipation of Perchtoldsdorf.

After the rest, just continue along this narrow path – always in the direction of the castle tower, which marks the center of Perchtoldsdorf. You will pass a nursery and the ‘Billa’ until you finally arrive at the roundabout in Perchtoldsdorf.

When you arrive in Perchtoldsdorf, walk up through the small park at the cultural center towards the market square. Then visit the best ‘Heuriger’ of your choice that is currently open – or several of course, if you feel like double the cosiness and even more delicacies.

Hiking tip

When you have arrived at the market square in Perchtoldsdorf, look for the board that shows which wine tavern has just “unplugged” (opened). Or ask a knowledgeable local who will be happy to show you the direction. Many wine taverns (wine taverns) are within walking distance of the market square.

How do I get back?

The same footpath back over the Kaisersteig is very romantic – especially when the low sun from the Perchtoldsdorfer Heide is still shining over the vineyards shortly before sunset. The ideal time to enjoy the sunset with friends at ‘Mohrenberger Alm 2’ and to end the beautiful day. Then it is not far to the 60s ‘Bim’, which is already waiting at the terminus ‘Rodaun’ for the exit towards U4 Hietzing and Westbahnhof. With a flashlight or smartphone you can create the unlit path even at night.

If it is already too dark for you, or if you would like to walk on paved roads, then go on Perchtoldsdorfer ‘Hochstraße’ to the end of the street, and then continue on paved paths until you finally also come to the 60s ‘Bim’ terminus ‘Rodaun’ come.

And if your feet no longer bear – whatever the cause – the Heurigenwirt will be happy to call the so-called P-Taxi, which will bring you safely and cheaply to the tram or to your desired destination.

Professional wine tavern ritual

Choosing the most beautiful table. The waitress takes the wine and drinks orders at the table, which of course you only pay at the end of the visit. Tip: It is best to order wine jugs, mineral water and a few glasses to mix with at the same time. Then go to the Heurigen buffet and order your favorite dishes. The Surschnitzerl is always freshly prepared, so you should also state your table number so that it is then served at the right table. Or you can wait for it at the buffet, if there aren’t too many visitors. In contrast to the drinks, the food is paid for immediately at the buffet when you order!





'GerneWieder' Heurigen

Winery and Buschenschank Stefanie Sauer, South Styria

Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Hospitality and Excellent Wines, Hearty Snacks and the Sun in Your Heart. Everything Is Prepared for Enjoyable Hours in the Highest Wine-Growing Region in Europe