GELBLACK – 2021 Riesling – Schloss Johannisberg

GELBLACK – 2021 Riesling – Schloss Johannisberg

Wine has been grown at Schloss Johannisberg for 1200 years, exclusively Riesling since 1720. Here is the cradle of one of the oldest and finest grape varieties in the world.

Johannisberg Castle is beautifully situated. From the spacious castle area you have a wonderful view over the upstream vineyards down to the Rhine.

The wine tasting stand is also within walking distance – of course also with a great view of the Rhine Valley. The wines are originally classified using a color system – Gelblack, Bronzelack, Silberlack, etc. At the wine tasting stand I taste the ‘Gelblack’ Riesling and my gaze wanders over the vineyards down to the Rhine.

Schloss Johannisberg - wine tasting stand

I buy a bottle of ‘Gellack’ Riesling from the exclusive vinotheque to taste at home. I do not regret it.

Conclusion: An excellent tasting, harmonious Riesling from the first Riesling winery in the world. A real GerneWieder-Wine 2022.





'GerneWieder' Heurigen

Winery and Buschenschank Stefanie Sauer, South Styria

Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Hospitality and Excellent Wines, Hearty Snacks and the Sun in Your Heart. Everything Is Prepared for Enjoyable Hours in the Highest Wine-Growing Region in Europe