Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Hospitality and Excellent Wines, Hearty Snacks and the Sun in Your Heart. Everything Is Prepared for Enjoyable Hours in the Highest Wine-Growing Region in Europe

On my wine hiking route in Kitzeck in Styria, the highest wine-growing region in Europe, I pass Stefanie’s winery and Buschenschank. Unfortunately is not open today. In the courtyard I see a hard-working man who is just cleaning the wine press to a sparkling finish: “The boss is upstairs anyway,” he says to me.

Actually, Stefanie, that’s the name of the young boss, who gives me a warm welcome and serves me a delicious Pinot Blanc and a refreshing glass of water on the beautiful terrace. This is the custom here, hospitality is very important and there is always a glass of refreshing water with the wine.

The Weißburgunder tastes excellent and the view from the terrace of the southern Styrian wine region is wonderful. Despite the locking hour, Stefanie takes her time and we talk about viticulture and the special features of this wine region. That’s how hospitality works! Once again I have discovered a GerneWieder-Heurigen or Buschenschank.

I was reluctant to decline the invitation to the grape harvest the next day. Finally, I have planned two more vineyard hikes in southern Styria. The wine press is now clean and ready for the new wine, which will definitely taste as good as Stefanie’s Pinot Blanc.





'GerneWieder' Heurigen

Winery and Buschenschank Stefanie Sauer, South Styria

Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Hospitality and Excellent Wines, Hearty Snacks and the Sun in Your Heart. Everything Is Prepared for Enjoyable Hours in the Highest Wine-Growing Region in Europe


Von persönlich besucht und als GerneWieder-Lokal bewertet. Die Bewertung entspricht dem persönlichen unabhängigen Empfinden, das von mehreren Faktoren, insbesondere vom gesamten Wohlfühlfaktor, abhängt. Solche Lokale zeichnen sich beispielsweise durch besondere aufrichtige ehrliche Gastfreundschaft und/oder durch hohe Qualität der Speisen aus. Auch das Ambiente, das wesentlich zum Wohlfühlempfinden beiträgt, spielt eine große Rolle. Die Auszeichnung 'GerneWieder' erfolgt unabhängig, neutral und es handelt sich nicht um Werbung im kommerziellen Sinn. Das Prädikat Gerne-Wieder bringt zum Ausdruck, dass man dieses Lokal gerne wieder besuchen möchte.