Winery-Buschenschank Kas-Nigl

Winery-Buschenschank Kas-Nigl

As a multi-award-winning winery in the heart of Perchtoldsdorf, the Kas-Nigl spoils you with the best wines and sparkling wines.

When the Nigl became the Kas-Nigl. The following story is told on the website: “In 1948 Franz Nigl’s father Karl got this nickname. After the war, the supply was poor. The village grocer was supposed to give an 80 kg loaf of cheese to their Heuriger for the supply. Guests and friends thought this ‘cheese delivery’ was a bit exaggerated and named Franz’s father ‘Kas-Nigl’. “

In 1976 Franz and Doris Nigl took over the winery and wine tavern. To this day they run the business with passion under the affectionate name of “Kas-Nigl”.





'GerneWieder' Heurigen

Winery and Buschenschank Stefanie Sauer, South Styria

Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Hospitality and Excellent Wines, Hearty Snacks and the Sun in Your Heart. Everything Is Prepared for Enjoyable Hours in the Highest Wine-Growing Region in Europe