Hallgartener Würzgarten – Riesling Spätlese 2020

Hallgartener Würzgarten – Riesling Spätlese 2020

Hallgartener Riesling Spätlese From the Rheingau, Germany, Was Awarded Gold at the 2021 International Wine Challenge AWC VIENNA

This gold-awarded Prädikatswein was the very last specimen on the wine shelf – a delicious dry Riesling from the Rheingau, vintage 2020. The fine drop comes from the Hallgartener Weinkeller eG from Oestrich-Winkel on the beautiful Rhine, Germany. At the International Wine Challenge 2021 it was awarded gold by the AWC VIENNA.

This wine was also tasted by MeinDolceVita and awarded the title GerneWieder -Wein 2022 [ MeinDolceVita GWW-2022 ]!

Did You Know?
The AWC VIENNA International Wine Challenge is the “largest officially recognized wine rating in the world”. The AWC VIENNA website states: “More than 1,500 producers from all continents benefit from the awc vienna quality evaluation every year. This makes the awc vienna the international leader among the officially recognized quality awards for wine.”

More information on this can be found on the AWC VIENNA website: www.awc-vienna.at





'GerneWieder' Heurigen

Winery and Buschenschank Stefanie Sauer, South Styria

Stefanie’s Winery and Wine Tavern

Hospitality and Excellent Wines, Hearty Snacks and the Sun in Your Heart. Everything Is Prepared for Enjoyable Hours in the Highest Wine-Growing Region in Europe